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Bella Moon
2 min readDec 31, 2021

Let me introduce myself I am Bella Moon! And I am just like you besides being a human; a writer.

Well I am an amateur “publishing” writer.

But like so many of you I have been writing from the minute I realized I could express my thoughts on paper.

Most people would say, if you like someone don’t overwrite or that would look to clingy.

But for me writing has always been an outlet.

An outlet to express myself in a purposeful, meaningful, pen to paper, physical (or finger to keyboard) kind of way.

With the utmost attention behind each letter I write.

My articles will be a mix of variety based on the things I see throughout my day in this world.

But just always remember no matter how weird the title might look there is and I promise a deeper meaning.

If anything if you don’t understand what I have projected in an article.

Always feel free to respectfully comment down below in the comments section of my articles because that would help me properly explain to the masses the proper direction of what I am trying to articulate.

Through the articles I post my hope is that, I will always leave you having the chance to reflect, breathe, analyze, and feel like you have come to a safe place to converse about what things may have impacted or jumped at you from my work of art.

Words do matter and it’s amazing how medium has created a space where everyone gets to truly articulate their love of the works of art created by words.

Being apart of Gen-z we are in an era where things are losing it’s value, we are waking up, and breaking strongholds and we are truly rising. So one thing for sure is my page will be a progressive work of art. As this generation grows so will this page till the point God leads me to other endeavors.

In essences I will leave you with this expectation.

As you follow me you will receive quality content, loads of parentheses filled humor, ALL IN CAPS excitement, mind wandering content, faith and for some, sobering “euphoric” pieces of writing which I hope to post consistently till again God chooses for me to be elsewhere.

Also mic drop! There will be loads of Christ loving elements featured in big time!!!

Love each of my 18 followers!!!


Bella Moon



Bella Moon

TBH I am a gen-z freaking out about getting older! I cover personal development, lifestyle, and faith. Check me out on your next piece clapping and commenting!