In person classes are in..But are we ready yet?

Bella Moon
2 min readJun 29, 2021

Journal Entry- June 24th 2021

When it comes to the global pandemic everything shut down. Yeah the stores closed, the seniors in high school had their stardom power light shut off, and practically everyone down to the Queen of England had to know how to operate zoom. SO LITERALLY EVERYONE.

It’s crazy how this turning point quite literally changed our whole mentality on things, had us consider how fragile we are as individuals, and for some we had the time to realize some skills and use those skills for compensation.

For the introverts or ambiverts, the global pandemic if anything boosted a level of mind comfort that we didn’t even think we needed (no, we always knew but the people we happen to breath with never seemed to know.) *sigh* ha.

If you need a clear example of how we felt just look at all the Elsa Majimbo videos compilation where she confidently and humourously states what we are all thinking in our brains:

As fun as the time mindlessly scrolling through tiktok was fun and trying to learn miseberably how to do the renegade dance. The time came that I never knew was coming, when my classes kicked me out of my comfort zone with and email stating we are resuming all classes “IN PERSON”.

LIKE WHATTTTT….I mean I knew that we would go back and while it’s quite nice to go to the gym and all and actively socialize with people again. (This isn’t a bashing safety precautions post, if you feel that this is what is being potrayed in the writing of this article that is not the case at all. Follow through and throughly all CDC guidelines at your ultimate discretion) To be in a class again, to have to actively make an effort to not sleep in lecture, moving in to a dorm would have seemed like a normal and a new step of adventure for many.

However, right now it’s as if our minds are playing games with us, where leaving the house isn’t so great for me, the feeling of “independence” has silently left me as the comfort of being in my room for hours on end and casually doing some Chloe ting exercises felt better than being faced with the changes and pressures that come with independancy.

Yup you read that right. Serious mind games.

Don’t get me wrong I will leave the house but…

Is it just too soon for me to go on out there “and live my life” YOLO style..

And leave behind my comfort?

I believe many of us our minds are playing games with us.

But hear me when I say this…

We GOT this all we have to do is just take the next step

And try.



Bella Moon

TBH I am a gen-z freaking out about getting older! I cover personal development, lifestyle, and faith. Check me out on your next piece clapping and commenting!